A Mess Between Heart And Vibes

Yashpreet Kaur
3 min readJun 26, 2021
A mess between heart and vibes!

If we google the population statistics across the globe, we’d see we are billions in number. So, why we feel I’m different? Thoughts like I'm not made for people, I perceive things differently, I couldn’t vibe with today’s generation, I’m a vintage soul wrapped in this generation and what not move in and out of our minds round the clock. Why is that so? What’s the science behind that? Let’s go a little deeper.

So, randomly, last night I couldn’t sleep due to overthinking and wondering about what I’ve done in life. I became more anxious as the thought process got deeper. Even I made some decisions about my life that night, but it was very weird to see that just the next morning I felt differently and I started doubting my own thought process and the things last night I agreed upon, just the next morning, I disagreed with them. And yes, this making and changing decisions culture or cycle goes on with me.

Sometimes, I feel God has created me with some weirdo kinda ingredients, but when I wonder what’s the different element that makes me feel that I’m different, I could point nothing, but still sit back with this belief that yes, I’m different.

Fear of Losing

I feel that when a person fears losing something/someone, the person isn’t able to stick to any one decision, people often think about what’s wrong with them? But what I feel is that we have a fight between our mind and emotional passage. We know and pretty nicely understand that the way we have chosen is not right for us, but still, we go with our feelings and emotions and, our mind gets defeated. We all always think, why we choose the painful way even after knowing that way will only flourish thorns, nothing else? So, in my belief, it happens because we want to give our every single thing to that person/thing so that even if it fails, there would be no regret as we’d have already invested everything we had.

Well, it sounds so easy, but trust me this thing kills you inside. However, every person perceives things differently as I mentioned previously. For some people, their self-esteem or dignity is very important but on the other hand, some are ready to sacrifice everything including their self-esteem as well for getting that particular thing/person in their lives at any cost.

“Lost are the souls who are the freaking prisoners of their past lives….’’- Yashpreet Kaur

Well said, isn’t it? The above-mentioned statement would be more connected for the people, who’re so soft at heart and couldn’t be moved on even after years of detachment from the ones who were the reason of living for their life once. It feels so empty that words in my understanding wouldn’t be enough to describe. But I feel, this is the most unjustified thing one can do to himself/herself.

Geniuses and scholars become homeless wanderers when get attached to wrong beings. That’s fucking hard and the worst thing that can ever happen to someone.

Never let your emotions defeat what your gut says!

Yes my friend, never, never, ever let your emotions take over the handles of your life. Intuitions and guts are always right. Believe them and even if you will lose that person, go on, because, the right person/thing will never put you in any kind of dilemma and if does so, that’s not meant for you!

This was all for today. If you felt connected let me know with just an applaud. I’ll be back again with another messy topic, till then keep smiling, keep wondering and let your vibes win over.



Yashpreet Kaur

Writer❤️❤️ Unapologetically free🌸 Unapologetically me🌸